Late Spring/Early Summer Activities
- Posted: July 19, 2009
- By: andylibrande
- In: Colorado, Front Range, Random, Rock, Travel
The last thing I need to mention to anyone that is living along the front range right now is how much rain we have seen throughout the latter part of spring and now through mid-July. It has been straight-up crazy.
While the rain has caused some problems with doing certain outdoor activities, there still has been some time to get out and enjoy the summer (and let me clarify, it is not the rain that is the issue, it is the insanely massive lighting/thunder storms that rush in faster then a fat kid in willy wonka’s factory and subsequently dump enough monsoon rain to make it feel like you woke-up in the middle of a CIA waterboarding torture). Anyways enjoy some of the photos of random things around Denver:
Caitlin enjoying the lush landscape (a nice benefit of the recent weather) of Three Sisters park:
Getting some climbing done at the Corridor area in Castlewood (with Jake, Trent, and Bethany):
Getting one small day of wake-boarding in at Horsetooth Reservoir (with the parental units):
Hiking around Mt. Evans and Echo Lake (with Caitlin):
Watching some Fireworks over Lake Dillon from some random pontoon-boat that we hopped in at that was parked at one of the piers (with Caitlin, Trent and Bethany):
Getting some sport-climbing done at Castlewood (with Ben, Andrew, Beth, Whitney, Caitlin, Tyler, and Kevin):
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