Category: Climbing Hold Reviews

DRCC Monthly Hold Subscription: Month 1

On a whim I joined the Detroit Rock Climbing Company hold of the month club at the Silver level. They were doing a limited amount of a special deal where if you do a monthly review of their holds you get bonus holds. I have always been a fan of the DRCC as they use the …

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How to Clean Climbing Holds

soill grip wash and vinegar

There are several ways to clean climbing holds and from a perspective of a home woody owner there is one really easy way and lots of other harder ways. The easiest way to clean climbing holds: Materials:  1 Gallon White Vinegar 1 x 5 gallon bucket Water Stiff nylon brush (optional) also a metal brush …

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SoiLL Grip Wash Review

SoiLL Grip Wash Review

  Soill Climbing Holds recently came out with a special grip wash that comes in a “powder” form. Prior to them coming out with this wash, most of the industry standard was using Muratic Acid, which is nasty stuff. This is a lot better/nicer then that (but maybe not as effective)…well at least you won’t …

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T-Nut Shopping

Price comparison of T-Nuts on the Interwebz. All Prices as of July 2011. What surprised me was that these were all the vendors I could find that sold the 4-Prong 3/8″ Zinc plated T-Nut. Other options include screw-in T-Nuts and stainless steel. 4 prong work pretty good and screws-in are seriously time-consuming and only recommended …

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Customer Service and Climbing Hold Companies

DRCC Climbing Holds Slot Set

Below is only my personal experience with select climbing hold companies to demonstrate the difference that certain companies  take when approaching a home climbing wall consumer. Most of my encounters are on a very limited basis (one encounter) and therefore I assume that since these are all small companies the customer experience will vary significantly from customer …

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Hold Waste

Hold waste is something that unfortunately happens only in Home Climbing walls. Hold waste happens when you get a set of holds from a company and realize that a number of them are not very useful due to the limited number of angles, placements, etc on your home wall. I am actually amazed at the …

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